The United Kingdom is one of the countries with a complex visa regime, and therefore it is not as easy to get a British visa as one might assume from the experience of applying for a Schengen visa. It has a number of subtleties that distinguish the process of obtaining it from obtaining visas to Europe. Getting a refusal stamp from the British Embassy is quite simple.

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At the same time, the percentage of refusal of British visa is a rather unstable figure. Still, the statistics of refusals of an English visa allows to deduce the main reasons that lead to a negative result.
The reasons for UK visa refusal are very different. You can get detailed information on British visa refusals, as well as find out the main reasons for visa refusal, as well as apply for a visa yourself in the UK online. The notification of Refusal visa form is sent by e-mail to the address that was specified when filling out the online questionnaire on the embassy’s website GOV.UK

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If you have been refused, for example, on the appeal family visa for UK, do not despair – you need and can fix the visa situation. You can re-submit documents and biometrics after refusal any day, even the next day you can register at the visa application centre and apply for a visa after refusal. First of all, it is necessary to refute the refusal of a visa, for each point and paragraph it is necessary to give an explanation to the visa officers of the embassy. The reasons for the visa refusal are established according to the guidelines of the UKVI HOME OFFICE. Remember, you can find a way out even if you receive a “severe” Ban refusal (a ban on submitting documents for a visa for 10 years).