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Photo by Maxime on Unsplash

The global pandemic of Сoronavirus infection forced everyone to be a bit of a doctor: to understand how the virus is transmitted, what tests exist. In such a serious case, it is always better to apply for London COVID testing.

What is the test for?

Now most countries open for travel require a negative test result. Even without symptoms, a person can be a carrier of a dangerous virus. A positive test result at an early stage of the disease allows people to isolate themselves, reducing the likelihood of infecting others and seek treatment earlier.

The are 4 most common types of tests:

  • PCR method (aka molecular diagnostics, aka nucleic acid amplification method, aka RT-LAMP). The method allows you to find the coronavirus RNA. If the RNA is found, the person is infected. If the RNA is not found, the person is either not infected, or infected, but the viral load is very small. A smear from the nose or oropharynx is taken;
  • Iimmunochromatographic rapid test allows to quickly find out if the patient was diseased (or is diseased right now). IgM and IgG antibodies are immune cells that are produced in the human body as a result of its contact with the virus at the very beginning of the disease. Blood from a finger or from a vein is required;
person in full protected doctor equipment

Photo by Ömer Yıldız on Unsplash

  • Analysis for the same antibodies by the method of enzyme immunoassay (EIA), also known as immunochemiluminescence analysis (CLIA). It shows both that there are IgM and IgG antibodies and their quantity. Blood is taken from a vein;
  • Immunochromatographic express analysis for viral antigens (proteins in the coronavirus RNA that the immune system reacts to). It shows whether a person is infected at the time of taking a smear (it is taken from the nose).

Only experts can choose which one is right for you. Refer to the Covid 19 test online quiz for more information.